Are abs really made in the kitchen?

This is a popular quote you may hear from time to time. “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym!”. Is this really true?
Well, it’s not completely false.
In all honesty, everybody has abs, but not everyone can see them. It’s mainly just about how many layers of fat you have over them.
Less layer = More visible
More layers = Less visible
HOWEVER, this doesn’t mean you can just skip core workouts in the gym and eat healthy so you can see your abs.
Yes, dieting while even slightly working your core once a week while keeping it engaged in the majority of your other workouts will get you a relatively solid six pack. At the end of the day, it’s cool, but I also know people who have a crazy 6 pack meanwhile have a pretty weak core.
Now you may say “who cares at least they can see it”. I hear you but this is BAD.
Just because you see them doesn’t mean they are strong either. Having a strong overall core is essential!! It’s arguably the most important muscles in your entire body.
By having a strong core you’ll see the rest of your body follow and get stronger as well. You’ll also see improvement in your day to day life (posture, easier to move certain ways) along with improvements in every one of your workouts.
So to sum it up, yes. If you simply diet enough to remove layers of fat from your tummy, you will see your abs. But remember, that means nothing unless you train your core to get stronger!
It Needs To Be Both!!
You Got This!
P.S. For more on core, check out these other blogs!
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