How to build an Indestructible core…

Core is by far the most important muscle group in your entire body. I don’t care if you can bench 300+ pounds, if you have a weak core, everything else will suffer!
What does your core consist of?
One of the most common mistakes is people assume that abs and core are the same thing. It’s NOT! Your core consists of not only your abs, but your obliques, serratus, and lower back. THAT’S your entire core. All these muscles together will determine how strong or weak your core is.
So how do we strengthen it properly to make it indestructible?
I know what you’re thinking, calisthenics again? Although it may not be the answer for everything, it’s sure the answer for a lot of weaknesses in your body. By doing bodyweight movements you will engage your core without even realizing it. When you bench, you engage your chest and triceps however, when you do push-ups you engage your chest, triceps and core. The problem with weight lifting is we generally are sitting down. When you’re doing any machine you’re sitting down along with many dumbbell movements. When we do calisthenics, it’s engaging way more muscles simultaneously and 95% of the time, your core muscles are a big part of it.
Weighliftifting allows you to isolate muscles better, however calisthenics is more of a full body even if you’re doing movements to try and isolate a specific muscle. Therefore, a lot of the time you’re not even thinking about your core but it’s definitely still engaged! And the best part is over time without even realizing it, you’re strengthening your core while doing push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats and so much more. This is why gymnasts have the strongest cores in the world!
So if you want a strong core, start incorporating more calisthenics movements. In my opinion, even if you absolutely love weightlifting, you should incorporate some bodyweight movements. It will absolutely help your weightlifting while weightlifting will not help improve your bodyweight movements. I’m living proof of this as I’ve done everything from bodybuilding, calisthenics, cardiovascular endurance and even a little crossfit. NOTHING beats calisthenics when it comes to building an insanely strong core!
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