What’s the best cardio to do?

The dreaded word… “Cardio”
Not many people like to do cardio, however, for many of us it’s necessary. No matter how intense your workout is, if you run for the same amount of time you workout, you’d still burn more calories on your run. So if you’re someone looking to get your heart rate up, burn calories and lose weight, cardio is a MUST!!
So what’s the best cardio? Is there any bad cardio?
Believe it or not, there is “bad cardio”. A good example is the bike. The problem with a stationary gym bike is most people go at a slow pace. If you lollygag, you’re not gonna be burning many calories! Majority of time people don’t realize how fast they are going because they are distracted by music, TV, or their surroundings. A bike can be effective, but only if you’re moving fast! Even then, you will only burn so many calories.
Rower- Can be good, if done fast. Most people go way too slow with this. This needs to be quick with aggressive pulls every time!
Battle ropes- YES. I love these and they burn no matter what. Obviously the quicker the better and needs to be done in at least 10-15 second intervals, but awesome if done right.
Elliptical- Solid. Not my favorite, but once again if done at a high pace, can be effective.
Stairs- GREAT. Awesome as a leg workout and will get your heart rate up even if done slowly. Highly recommend it.
Last but not least… My two favorites.
Incline walk or run. Nothing better than running but if you’re unable for any reason, walk on an incline! Definitely challenge yourself with the speed and incline and I promise your heart rate will be up and you’ll burn calories.
I always recommend cardio after your workout to get rid of the lactic acid you just built up, allowing you to be less sore the next day. Do your preferred cardio for at least 20-30 minutes. This will suffice, especially if done 3-4 times per week.
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