Should I Eat Before or After My Workouts?

Should I Eat Before or After My Workouts?
As a personal trainer, this is one of the most popular questions I get…
Unfortunately the answer is going to be a little different for everyone, but not entirely. Let me explain.
Everyone is different. Everyone’s body is different. So for me to give you 1 clear cut answer to this would be near impossible. However, if I had to, based on the textbook definition you should eat anywhere from 1 hour to 30 minutes before your workout and it should be higher in carbohydrates and protein, but low in fat. The reason being is that carbs give you energy to lift and fats will make you feel lethargic.
Now what you eat would vary depending on what type of workout you’re doing. If it’s a low intensity type day where you’re not looking to lift heavy and maybe do some light cardio, then I’d say eat light as well. Maybe some toast, eggs, fruit or a protein shake. On the other hand, if you are looking to lift heavy, you may want to load up on carbs so you have more energy for your lifts. Maybe you have some grilled chicken with a sweet potato or ground beef/turkey with rice. These are just examples.
Now getting away from what’s “recommended”, everybody is different. Personally, I don’t like to eat big meals before my workouts. I feel full, heavy, and just overall slow moving. This is what my body tells me so I listen.
YOU have to listen to YOUR body, not do what everyone else does.
You may feel the opposite of me. Logically speaking, not eating before your workouts may lower your blood sugar level making you feel lethargic and light headed. Luckily for me, a small protein bar or shake is enough to bypass this feeling, but not too much to have me ready to throw up mid set. Like I said, this works for me.
At the end of the day, you have to see what’s best for you. You may be fine doing either, or one way might make you feel better in the gym than the other. Either way, there’s only one way to find out..
Try both and see how your body reacts and go from there.
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