Legs or arms? Which is more important?

Oh this is going to be a fun one LOL.
Most guys choose arms over legs while most girls will choose legs every time. But is one “more important” than the other?
The answer- Kind of. Here’s why.
Arms are great, don’t get me wrong. Personally, I think NOTHING is better than a nice arm pump. HOWEVER, legs are extremely overlooked.
A lot of guys skip leg day (including myself in the beginning of my lifting career). Why is this so bad?
Legs are composed of the largest muscles in our body. Your quadriceps and hamstrings are HUGE compared to most other muscle groups. So?
So, because of this when we train our legs we are more likely to increase the amount of testosterone in our body. Why is this important? Because testosterone is ESSENTIAL to muscle building. This is why men are generally bigger than women. Men naturally have more testosterone while women have more estrogen. This is the same reason why people take steroids. It increases your testosterone allowing you to build more muscle!
By doing legs, you won’t only be more likely to build more testosterone, but you’ll probably burn more calories. Because the muscle groups are so big, it takes more energy to work them. This forces you to sweat and to likely burn more calories than any crazy arm day you do!
So is doing legs more important than doing arms? I wouldn’t say that. They are both important and you shouldn’t skip either! You wouldn’t do just your right side of your body and neglect the left right? So why would you neglect the upper or lower half? Either way, there are actually more benefits to leg days than arm days so if you HAD to choose one. Choose legs.
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