Stop comparing yourself to others!

As a personal training, this is something I see far too often. I can’t tell you how many times a client will point someone else out in the gym or show me an influencer they want to look like. Why is this bad?
For one thing everyone’s body is different. No two bodies are going to have the exact same muscle and bone structure. You and everyone else was made special so embrace that!
Social media has made this concept far worse as well. We are constantly looking and admiring other people’s bodies, meanwhile half the influencers edit their pictures to make them look better than what they are in person. Pictures are deceiving and people only post what they want you to see.
Learn to love your body even if it’s not where you want to be. It’s a lot easier said than done of course but always remember that you were made special. You want to be the best version of YOU and nobody else. Does that mean you can’t admire others for having nice biceps or bigger calves than you? Of course not, we’re all human as well and even I’m jealous sometimes.
I’ll admittingly say that I have a dent in my chest called pectus excavatum that I was born with so when I see another guy with a big/full chest I wish I could have the same. HOWEVER, this isn’t how god made me and although it’s unfortunate and it’s difficult for me to build my chest because of my condition, I’m happy I have it because it makes me different and special. At the end of the day, it is what it is and I’m blessed to have the body I have no matter what the shape and size. I’m sure people look at me and wish they could have some of my better features but remember that everyone is different. Everyone has a different gene makeup and there’s nothing we can do about it.
Learn to love the cards that you were dealt with. Worry about you and make the best version of yourself. Don’t try to be anyone else because they aren’t you and you aren’t them.
This may seem like the cold truth but it will only help you grow and flourish. Admire other people for their attributes but don’t compare. Remember, you may have something they want too.
Love Yourself!
You Got This!
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