Stop Rushing Through Reps!

Stop Rushing Through Reps!
Nobody wants to be in the gym for 2 hours, I get it. And quite frankly your workouts shouldn’t take longer than 45 minutes to 1 hour not including cardio, but let’s talk more about that in another blog post..
For today, I want to talk about something I see far too often.
Let’s say you’re doing squats. The goal is 10 reps. 80% of people will try to get to 10 as soon as possible. They’re just trying to get done with the workout so they can move onto the next thing so they can ultimately get home faster. So they get to rep 8 super tired and without any pause, they just power through and finish the set.
Sounds good right? Wrong..
I’d be willing to bet that because of their fatigue, those last 2 reps were shitty form. Now being fatigued towards the end of your set is a good thing, don’t get me wrong. You should be gassed for the last few reps otherwise you’re not pushing yourself and you should add more weight.
However if you get to rep 8 pretty gassed. TAKE A FEW SECONDS!!
I’m not saying put the weight down, but stand there for a second, take a few deep breaths to get oxygen to your muscles. This will increase your blood flow causing your body to get rid of any lactic acid in your muscles so you’ll lose some of that burning sensation AND you will quite literally get a second wind.
So instead of getting 2 shitty, bad form reps, you take that pause and get 2 really clean reps!
This is so important for not only activating the right muscles, but avoiding any injury by using bad form. And we all know it’s the last few reps that are really hard that count the most!
Muhammad Ali once said “I start counting my reps after I start to feel the burn”.
Can you imagine!? If that’s not motivation, I’m not sure what is..
I understand it’s hard, but take a few seconds and finish every single set stronger than you started it.
You Got This!!
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