Does age really matter?

The short and obvious answer.. Yes, of course it matters. What you could do at 20 you most likely can no longer do at 80.


Although what you do in the gym and what you’re capable of may change, consistently going to the gym should NEVER change. 

Now I know what you’re saying. “Well what if I have aches and pains when I’m an old crippled person and can’t physically do it?” If you can stand up and walk, good chance there are things for you to do.

I’ve trained people ranging between 13-82 years old. Anyone from the ages 60-82 who have had past surgeries or current injuries has preached “the more I move it, the better it feels”. Now of course there are some cases in which you’ll have to train around certain movements that are painful, but that’s no excuse to not workout at all!

I can almost guarantee you that no matter what age you are, after your workouts you’ll feel better both mentally and physically. You may be tired, but that’s expected.

Remember Newton’s first law? Or maybe you skipped science class that day so let me remind you. An object at motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest. Same applies with the human body! Unfortunately I’ve seen it go both ways. 

You’re going to want to move around comfortably when you’re 90 right? So stay moving no matter what age you are! 

So yes, age plays a role in what you’re physically doing in the gym, but NO it doesn’t matter for whether or not you go to the gym.

All ages are encouraged to go as it will undoubtedly help you!


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