Ego Lifting

Ah, the good old ego lift. Probably the most popular mistake in the gym I see today, ESPECIALLY for beginners.
What is ego lifting?
Ego lifting is exactly what it sounds like.
- You lift for a number that seems impressive to yourself or others
- You try do more weight than you probably should be doing
- You disregard form and do anything in your power to get up the weight
- You let the weight control you, opposed to you controlling the weight
These are all signs of ego lifting.
HUMBLE yourself.
You ever see a big bodybuilder curling 20lbs and ask yourself “why is he only doing 20lbs when he can probably do way more?”. It’s because he doesn’t care about the amount of weight in his hand. It’s because he does care about getting the most out of the workout. He cares about having a mind to muscle connection, controlling the weight throughout the entirety of the motion and really focusing on feeling it in his biceps opposed to anywhere else.
If you’re locked in on what muscle you’re working, you can make ANY amount of weight hard. Between doing super slow and controlled tempo reps, static holds, and thinking about contracting the correct muscle group, you can make 2lbs hard!!
So stop caring about the weight!
There’s plenty of people who do more than me in the gym but I couldn’t care less! I know I’m challenging myself properly while keeping strict form so I actually get stronger. I feel good, and look good so why does the number even matter??
Lose the ego, and you’ll actually get stronger!
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