EMOM Training- Most Effective Training Method

What is an EMOM? Should I be doing them?
EMOM stands for Every Minute on the Minute.
How would this work?
First you’d pick a workout that you want to progress in. Let’s take pull-ups for an example. You would start the clock followed by immediately doing pull-ups with a rep range of your choice (usually 60% of your max). Let’s use 5 reps for this example.
Whenever you finish those 5 reps, the remainder of that minute is your rest. So if it takes you 10 seconds to do 5 reps, you’d have 50 seconds of rest. When the clock hits 1 minute, you go again performing another 5 reps. You’d repeat this up until however many minutes/rounds you decide. I usually do 10.
The catch here is the first few minutes it may only take you 10 seconds to perform the 5 reps, allowing for 50 seconds of rest. However by minute 7, 8, and 9 it may take you 20 seconds to do 5 reps only leaving you with 40 seconds of rest. Therefore, as time goes on you get fatigued, get less rest and it ultimately gets harder. Theoretically if you were to complete 5 reps every minute for 10 minutes straight, you’d do 50 pull-ups in 10 minutes. Pretty good right?
So as you can tell, this can get very hard, but is easily the best way to progress in any workout you’re trying to get better at. You can also get super creative with these.
You can do weighted pull-ups doing less reps. If you’re a beginner you can do assisted pull-ups with a band or assisted push-ups. You can switch up your variations every minute to hit different parts of your muscles. You can even do advanced skills like handstand push-ups. I do 2 every minute for 10 minutes meaning I do 20 reps in 10 minutes. The layout of how EMOM’s work is so effective despite what workout you choose.
Why are they so effective?
Well there’s a few reasons.
- You are getting very little rest times and limiting your rest. Plus it will probably only get shorter as time goes on and you get fatigued. This will help build your muscle endurance.
- You’re building muscle memory. By hammering away at the same motion over and over again your muscles will learn what it feels like to be in those positions and start to get used to it. By building muscle memory you will inevitably get stronger in those workouts.
- You build confidence. I always knew I could do 3-4 handstand push-ups in a row but after doing 20 in 10 minutes, I feel so confident in the movement I may be able to do more than I even thought!
Moral of the story, if you’re not doing EMOM’s yet, you better start to! They will 100% help in whatever workout you are trying to progress at. Give it a shot!
You Got This!
For a Video Example of an EMOM, check out my Youtube Video on it!
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