Gymnastics vs Calisthenics

Is there a difference?
Slightly… Kind of.
In calisthenics there are 3 categories.
- Statics- Holding one position for an extended period of time (iron cross, handstand, planche, front lever, back lever, etc.)
- Dynamics/ Reps & Sets- Doing multiple reps of an exercise with your own bodyweight OR with added weight (push-ups, pull-ups, weighted, muscle-ups, etc.)
- Freestyle- Movements that require you to use much more momentum opposed to strength (swing 360, gainers, 540’s etc.)
Now all of these categories are used in gymnastics. The only real differences are the form and equipment they use.
Gymnasts’ version of statics is usually done on high parallel bars or gymnastics rings. Although some calisthenics athletes use the rings often, majority of the time they use the ground, small parallettes or a regular pull-up bar.
Now as far as dynamics go, again very similar. The only difference here is calisthenics athletes tend to do more weighted reps with a weight belt or weighted vest while gymnasts usually will do more variations or reps of a workout.
And lastly with freestyle, this is probably the most different. Gymnastics is much more into technique, use bars that have give/bend, and have mats secured underneath in case they fall. In calisthenics, it’s more of a free for all. Form isn’t as relevant and it includes different movements that seem more explosive and sporadic. It’s not as much of a routine and they usually use a stiff pull-up bar with no safety mats underneath.
Calisthenics athletes also don’t usually do as many flips/tumbling on the floor or nearly as much stretching/flexibility work either.
Other than that, they are very similar. A few movements are slightly different in each category whether it be form or just not training certain skills as much, but as you can see, there really isn’t much difference.
After all calisthenics is a broad topic meaning “bodyweight workouts” therefore, gymnastics is a form of calisthenics.
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