How many days per week should I be working out?

I get this question a lot and to be honest, there’s not one definitive answer. Let me explain.
A few different factors go into this.
- What’s your job like? Is it physically demanding or are you sitting at a desk all day?
- What’s your goal? Do you want to be a competitive bodybuilder or just want to maintain the muscle you have?
- How old are you? Are you in the 4th quarter or the first?
- Do you have any injuries, past surgeries etc.?
- Are you new to the gym or are you a veteran
Therefore, this answer may change from person to person. That being said, here’s a general consensus of what I tell most of my clients.
Despite any of these variables, ideally four to five 1 hour sessions per week would suffice. Anything under 3 isn’t enough and you won’t see the progress/benefits nearly as quickly. Although it’s better than nothing, it just wouldn’t be as effective as you may desire and your results will take longer.
6 is okay if you have an active rest day where you’re going 50% or just doing cardio/abs.
7 is actually too much (yes that’s a real thing). By overdoing it you will most likely burn out and you’re muscles won’t get the necessary recovery to actually grow.
That brings us to the 4-5 day range. This is enough days to hit each muscle group effectively and still have a good 2-3 days of rest for your body to recover. Majority of people will be in this range.
So the short answer, 4 to 5 days working out should suffice depending on your personal circumstances.
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