How much of a role does genetics play?

Is it genetics, or is it the work you put in?
In reality, it’s both.
Are some people a little more genetically gifted than others? For sure. Is it fair? No, but life’s not fair!
For example, someone like myself can be born with a super fast metabolism and never have to worry about gaining a ton of weight. My body burns fat just by looking at food! Now most people will say I’m super lucky. In a way, yes. In another way, no. It’s easy for me to build muscle because I don’t have to burn off any fat, therefore just by working out and getting stronger I have that muscular lean look. However, I have to eat A LOT to fuel my body in order to gain muscle and keep it which can be more challenging than you think.
On the flip side, if you’re an endomorph who has trouble losing weight it can be difficult. You not only have to constantly watch what you’re eating, but you also have to burn more calories in the gym to keep the extra fat off. However, on the plus side it’s actually a bit easier to build muscle than an ectomorph like myself.
So as you can see, there are pros and cons to both.
Genetics also play a role when it comes to the muscle shape and size. For example, I have the EXACT same biceps as my dad. Same exact shape and look. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are super strong, but I was gifted with the visual look of biceps. Now when it comes to my calves and abs… not so genetically gifted. I have super small calves and my abs are asymmetrical. In fact, I have a 5 pack. One is just magically missing or at least isn’t visually present. These were the cards I was dealt.
Again, this doesn’t mean my calves and core aren’t strong. In fact, I have friends with much better visual calves and abs than me, but I’ll still smoke them in any workout regarding these muscles. I also have friends who have small looking biceps, meanwhile they will out lift me in curls every time.
Here’s the important part.
- Everyone is different. Some people look super strong, but aren’t. Some people don’t look visually strong, but have crazy low key strength. Some people are really strong with pulling motions while others are really strong with pushing motions. So stop comparing yourself and just work with what you got! Be honest with yourself and understand your strengths and weaknesses so you can get better.
- Genetics are just genetics. This isn’t an excuse to not be in shape or to ignore a muscle group because they look visually strong already. Plenty of people have overcome their genetic weaknesses whatever it may be. If they can do it, so can you!
Don’t blame genetics for your struggles, but use it as fuel instead to overcome it!
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