How to see massive Progress…Humble yourself!

One thing I see and hear far too often…
“I just hit 225lbs on bench” or “do you see how much that guy’s squatting!?”
Cool, you can do a lot of weight. How does that feel on your joints though? Are you able to control it throughout the entirety of the motion? Does your form stay clean?
If the answer to these questions are “yes”, then all the power to you. However, the number of weight you’re doing is literally just a number. And guess what? 1,000 other people can probably do the same or more.
So why are you really working out? For the number of weight you can do or to feel better, look better and live a healthy lifestyle?
If you’re working out for the right reasons, you won’t and shouldn’t care about numbers.
You SHOULD worry about completing reps with proper form and trying to better yourself every day. There’s no competition with other people. It’s simply you vs you!
The only time a number somewhat matters is when you’re comparing you to your lifts in the past. Are you able to do a few extra reps with that same weight that you struggled with a month ago? Does it feel lighter?
Otherwise, the weight is just an external source to help grow your muscles.
This is why I like calisthenics! There’s no weights/numbers to get obsessed with. It’s simply you controlling and creating resistance with your own bodyweight.
At the end of the day, you just have to be honest with yourself. Be aware when your form breaks and go lighter if need be. I can make 5lbs extremely difficult so let go of the ego!
The only thing you should be worried about is becoming a better version of yourself every day and not trying to keep up with everyone else.
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