Is it really 80/20 diet?

As a personal trainer, I’ve heard this question A LOT.
Is it really 80% diet, 20% working out? Is it more? Is it less?
Here’s my personal opinion.
I believe it’s more like 50/50 and here’s why.
If you’re someone who’s overweight and just trying to lose fat, you can 100% lose weight JUST by changing your diet. It’s a hell of a lot easier to just not eat the extra 1000 calories than to go and try to burn an extra 1000 calories. If you simply change your diet and lock in on what you should be taking in on a daily basis to hit your goals, then you will see results.The only downfall here is you’ll likely get that “deflated” look opposed to “toned”. The reason being is because you’re not strengthening your muscles allowing them to show! You may lose fat, but you still won’t have those muscles shining through which is what the majority of people want.
Now if you’re on the opposite side of the spectrum and you’re looking to gain weight then yes, eating more will help. HOWEVER, you will need to supplement that with working out so you can use those extra carbs, proteins, fats and calories as fuel in the gym instead of them just storing to fat. You can’t get away with just dieting here otherwise you’ll gain fat, NOT muscle.
Now if you watch every single thing you eat and workout 1-2 times a week (80/20) you may see some results, but it’s still not the most optimal/efficient.
I believe if you want to see the best and fastest results you’re going to want to watch your diet relatively closely and workout 3-5 days a week. This is that “goldilocks condition” where you just live a healthy lifestyle 24/7. You don’t go insane about diet but you eat relatively strictly at least Monday-Friday and you workout consistently. It’s not dramatic on either end, but it’s the most effective and works best for longevity.
This is just my opinion, but I believe BOTH are necessary in some capacity.
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