Is lifting heavy worth it?

Ahhh, the good old heavy lifter…
You gotta love the guy in the gym screaming as he pushes 500lbs up for 1 rep. LOL
In all seriousness though, is lifting heavy really necessary?
I may get some hate for this, but yes and no. Here’s why…
Lifting heavy just has a lot of negative consequences when it comes down to it. If you can keep good form and perform a rep range that isn’t just a 1 rep PR every time, then it can be effective. However, most of the time, people aren’t doing this which can lead to injuries and unproportionate muscle growth. Truth be told, even when people ARE doing this, there’s negative consequences.
Look at Ronnie Coleman for an example (you may know him as the “LIGHT WEIGHT!” guy). Professional bodybuilder for years, had great form, just lifted insanely heavy. Have you seen him now?? The guy can barely walk! He needs crutches almost all the time because his knees are shot. This is the same guy who won Mr.Olympia EIGHT times. You’d think a guy like him would be healthy forever right? Nope. All those years of heavy lifting takes a toll on your joints and breaks down your entire body.
Now how in the world can lifting heavier be beneficial?
Two words. Progressive Overload.
All this means is you gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. When it’s done correctly, you’re putting more tension on your muscles and they’ll be forced to work harder allowing them to get stronger. The key is to do this in increments and not all at once. Also note to keep good form and still do 3-5 reps opposed to one rep maxes.
ALWAYS resort back to light weight and basics. Don’t let this become an everyday thing! That’s how you’ll get hurt and ruin your joints.
If you’re looking for longevity and want to feel good daily when you’re 80, I highly suggest staying light and throwing in heavy weight once in a while to challenge yourself.
Don’t be the crippled old man/woman just because they wanted to lift 500 lbs when they were 25 years old.
You’re in this for life so be smart!
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