Know your Body Type…

Although it may seem like there are MANY body types, there really are only three.

Ectomorphos– These people are usually long, lean, have low body fat and have trouble gaining weight.

Endomorphs– Basically the opposite of ectomorphs. These people generally have more body fat, more muscle mass and gain weight easily.

Mesomorphs– These people are the in-betweeners. They are relatively athletic and solid. They can gain and lose weight without too much struggle.

Now of course most of us wish we were mesomorphs, however in reality most of us are not. Majority of people are either ectomorphs or endomorphs. 

However, there’s no excuse. Every single person has the ability to get where they want to be despite what body type they are.

So then why does it matter?

Knowing your body type goes a LONG way. It will dictate your entire approach to getting towards your goals. Knowing how your body works will force you to change the way you train, eat and even sleep to get you that desired result. 

For example, I know I’m an Ectomorph. I’ve been skinny my entire life and always had trouble gaining weight. Knowing this, I had a license to eat. I HAD to take a weight gainer and didn’t have to kill myself with cardio because I’d naturally burn an insane amount of calories every day without trying. 

Now if you’re an Endomorph, it’s the opposite problem. You have to watch your diet a little more strictly and force yourself to burn more calories. 

You can wish all you want that you were a different body type, or you can accept what you were given and learn what works best for YOU!

It’s all relative to your own body and there’s no reason you can’t see progress despite what type you are. So be honest with yourself, accept what you are, and learn what approach works best for you!


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