Looking strong vs actually being strong

What would you rather? Being insanely strong but not looking it OR looking shredded BUT being actually weak in reality?
For most of you, the answer is easy. Ripped and weak!
Personally, I’d rather be super strong and not look it, but that’s just my opinion…
But does this really happen?
Believe it or not, the answer is yes. It happens, but much less exaggerated. For example, I’ve worked out with people where from the look of them I would have thought they weren’t very strong. Then after doing a few sets and reps I realize they have that “low key” type of strength where they shock you. They may not LOOK the part, but they have some serious strength.
Why does this happen?
A lot has to do with genetics and the shapes of their muscles. Diet plays a huge role as well! They may be insanely strong but all the muscle is covered by fat.
Now vice versa, I’ve worked out with guys who look tremendous however, can’t do 10 clean pullups. Now I know what you’re saying, “but 10 clean pullups is hard Nick”. Yes it is, but if you look like a bodybuilder, I’d expect you to be able to do the fundamentals of working out relatively well. And unfortunately this is the case with a lot of bodybuilders.
Another example is when you see someone in solid shape but they never actually had to work for it, but they have GREAT genetics. These people look like they’ve put in the work forever, meanwhile in reality they aren’t that strong.
I actually have a friend who has an insane six pack. I mean even I’m a little jealous. Perfectly symmetrical and everything. Meanwhile I’d SMOKE him in ANY ab workout we do. It’s frustrating, but it’s reality!
So the moral of the story is you truly can never judge a book by its cover. People may just surprise you! However, focus on you and your goals. Do you want to look strong or actually be strong?
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