Most optimal way to track progress…

What’s the best way to track your progress? How do I know that I’m actually improving?

Many of us, including myself, fall into the trap of a routine. We go to the gym and do the same 5 or 6 workouts we always do and call it a day. Sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with this. A routine is good! Consistently training is great. However, it’s when we do the same program over and over again without changing the weights or reps that can force us into a plateau. So how can we avoid this? 

Here’s a few different things you can do.

  1. Write down what you’re doing. Even if it’s been the same thing over and over again just simply putting it on paper or in your notes will help. By seeing it, you’ll naturally want to change something up. Whether it be the workouts themselves, the number of sets or reps, or even the amount of weight you’re doing, your subconscious will see the same routine and want to improve. So start tracking your workouts. It takes 30 seconds and can be done in between your sets while you’re probably resting on your phone anyway!
  2. Take videos of your workouts! I can’t stress this enough. I know nobody wants to be that guy in the gym with a tripod. I’m not saying to take it to that extreme, BUT a quick video where you set up your phone discreetly will help. A lot of the times you think you have good form or you feel like you look one way, meanwhile when you play back the video it’s not at all what you thought it looked like. By taking videos, you’ll correct your form and by saving these videos you’ll look back at them months later and literally see improvement. 
  3. Take pictures! Remember, we look at ourselves every day. There’s a good chance you won’t physically see a difference. Take progress pictures once a month and compare them. This will be a great way to see if you are physically seeing progress. 

If you do these 3 things I promise you will be WAY more likely to see progress. You’ll also be more motivated. By doing these little tasks it’ll hold you accountable to working towards a better version of you. 


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