Should I be working out even when I’m on Vacation?

Most people will tell you “that’s what vacation is for! That’s your time to relax and not worry about the gym”. And those people aren’t wrong. You should take time off and relax/let your body heal.
HOWEVER, if you’re someone newly trying to change your lifestyle and have been working hard to lose weight, it may not be ideal. Going away is a good reset for the mind but not always for your body. A body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest. Therefore, it may be difficult to get back into the workout and dieting groove once you’ve stopped for X amount of days.
On the flip side, if you’re someone like myself and you’re a maniac about getting your workouts in every week, it may actually be hard for you to take a few rest days in a row and to have cheat meals. If anything it would probably be a good opportunity for your body to take some time off. For these “gym rats”, it also may be exciting to workout in a different setting than their same old local gym. I totally understand this! I actually get more excited for workouts on vacation than I do at home!
Is either right or wrong?
Absolutely not.
It comes down to where you are in your fitness journey and how disciplined you are. If you can go away for a week and enjoy yourself without setting yourself back too much, go for it. As long as you know when you get back home you’ll get right back into your routine, I encourage you to enjoy yourself.
If you’re honest with yourself and don’t think you’re capable of this, you may have to have an “active” vacation where you do some sort of workout to keep you accountable.
And lastly if you’re already dedicated and can’t help but workout on your vacation, do it. Enjoy a new atmosphere but also remember that missing a few days won’t kill you so don’t drive yourself or the people around you crazy!
There’s no right answer for everyone, but if you’re self aware, there’s a right answer for you!
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