The importance of knowing what muscle you’re training
I find far too often people go into the gym and start doing workouts without knowing what muscles they’re targeting. They sit on a machine and just do it to the best of their ability without thinking about the movement.
Why is this bad? Why do you NEED to know what muscle group you’re hitting?
If you know what muscle group you’re targeting, you’ll have the ability to think about contracting that muscle and feeling it in that area. This is what we call a “mind to muscle connection”.
When you’re focused on the muscle you’re using, you will naturally get a better contraction on every rep. You’ll feel it much more intensely and get more out of every workout.
Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to the gym. You have to know what you’re trying to target for every single workout you perform. Otherwise you’re not benefiting nearly as much as you could be and you’re wasting your energy and time.
And if you don’t know, ASK! Don’t be afraid to seek out help. Even I constantly ask more knowledgeable athletes specific questions I have that will only help me get to that next level. Be humble, we all can always get better!
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