Why are you’re still not seeing gains…

Countless people come up to me and ask why they aren’t seeing the progress they want.
They ask me “what am I doing wrong?”
Although it’s different for everybody, there’s a few common answers I give.
- You think you’re training harder than you really are. Going 5 days a week is great, but what are you REALLY doing each session? Are you pushing yourself on the brink of failure or just going through the motions? It’s hard to be honest with yourself here, but are you REALLY training hard enough? Are you sweating, pushing through difficult reps or stopping when it starts to get hard? This is something you have to dig deep with and be honest with yourself because most people are simply not working hard enough.
- Are you consistent? Most people say yes, but have 0 schedule. If you can’t tell me the days and times you come to the gym every week, you’re likely not consistent. Consistency is KEY to progress. Without it, it’s near impossible to get results.
- What’s your diet like? Do you really know what you’re taking in every day or just guessing? Have you ever tracked to see what you’re really taking in? A lot of times you THINK you’re eating healthy, but in reality you may not be. Are you in a caloric surplus, deficit or maintaining based on how much you burn day to day? How often are you eating? Diet is at least 50% of results so if you’re not fueling your body correctly for your workouts and goals, there’s a good chance you won’t get your desired result.
- Are you doing the exact same workouts and weights every session? We are creatures of habit. If your body knows what’s coming, it will adapt to it. If you keep your body on its toes, it will be forced to change!
These are just some of the common things I see people struggle with, but they are all great questions to be asking yourself. We all go through phases where we slack on at least one of these points. It’s okay!! Just make the change so you can get back to progressing!
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