Why calisthenics is the best way for a beginner to get started…

Being a calisthenics athlete of course I may be a bit biased, HOWEVER, here’s just a few reasons why every single person should start with calisthenics…
It is the fundamentals to any and all workout movements. Push-ups, pull-ups, bodyweight rows, dips, squats and lunges all implement the same movement patterns as any machines or added external weights. If you can do 10 clean push-ups, you can learn to bench really easily. If you can do quality bodyweight rows, you can do any row machines or movement. It’s all the same, but simplified to just your bodyweight.
The bigger your base, the higher you can build. If you master these simple movements first, not only will you be able to perform in the gym more easily, but you’ll be able to progress way faster. Having that base is way more important than you realize.
Most people jump right into weight lifting because all we hear is “how much can you bench?” or “how much can you deadlift?”. Meanwhile the benefits of starting with simple bodyweight movements is exponential.
For one, you learn to use your body as one unit. You utilize multiple muscles at one time opposed to just isolating muscles like we do in the gym. If you want to just work your triceps while weightlifting, you can do that. If you want to just work your back, you can do that. But with 95% of body weight workouts you’ll naturally engage multiple muscles at the same time. This will allow you to learn to activate multiple muscles simultaneously, especially your core. Being your core is arguably the most important muscles in your body, this will goive you a huge advantage in the gym.
On top of it all, by engaging multiple muscles at the same time you’ll naturally burn more calories and increase your heart rate more than you would just isolating muscles. This type of training is also far more transferable to real life scenarios whether it’s in the grocery store or doing at home maintenance.
So if you’re someone who is just starting out, you should master your bodyweight first. It’ll give you that necessary base allowing you to progress much faster. You’ll thank yourself later!
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