Why does my body feel better or worse on any given day?

Why is it that on some days our body feels great, yet on others we feel awful?
I’m sure we’ve all experienced those days in the gym where you feel on top of the world. I’m also sure we’ve all experienced those days where you feel super weak as if you’ve lost muscle and can’t perform nearly as well as you usually do.
If you workout for long enough, I promise you WILL experience both these things.
That being said, a lot goes into it. Here’s just a few causes of a sh*tty workout.
- It could be what you ate that day or the days prior.
- How much sleep you’re getting per night
- Workout soreness from workouts prior
- Weather outside (low pressure vs high pressure)
- Lack of motivation/ Unclear headspace
All these things can play a role in the efficiency of your workouts so start paying attention to them. I go through this all the time.
Some days I do bodyweight workouts and my body feels like a feather. On other days I’ll do the same workouts and yet feel like an elephant. It’s crazy how this happens and sometimes it’s for no reason at all!
The important thing is to not get discouraged and to get through the workout despite not feeling the best. This is when you truly show what you’re made of and prove to yourself that even when life isn’t going your way, you can make the most out of it.
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