Why is Stretching Important?

I know, you hate stretching. Don’t worry, you and 90% of the population does too.
Maybe after reading this you’ll feel differently…
Let’s face it. Stretching is time consuming and it hurts.
- Prevents injury. Being a dumb 22 year old thinking I’m invincible, I’ve jumped straight into workouts countless times and have gotten injured.. Countless times!! After my last elbow injury, I decided I’m done skipping the warm up. Properly warming up using resistance bands and stretching makes a HUGE difference.
- You’re missing out on strength! Let’s say you’re doing squats. If you can’t go down that far due to flexibility in your hamstrings/ankles then you can only use a portion of your muscles to complete the movement. If you can use a fuller range of motion (go all the way down and up) then you will strengthen the entirety of the muscle. This is overlooked and is super important!
- Aging.. Nobody likes getting old, but it’s inevitable. As we get older, we get tighter. You want to easily and freely be able to get up and walk around every day right? Why not make it easier by stretching when you’re young?
- Getting rid of sourness. You can’t magically get rid of the sourness you have, but you can speed up the process by getting the lactic acid buildup in your muscle out. Stretching will create more blood flow to the area giving the muscle more oxygen, getting rid of lactic acid (soreness feeling).
There’s plenty more than what I just listed, however you get the idea. Creating a habit of stretching is necessary. I still don’t like it, but I feel great afterwards and the benefits go on and on and on.
Suck it up and start stretching! You can even do some in your bed so there’s NO EXCUSE. Just start and do it consistently to make it a habit.
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