Why you’re still not progressing!

Here’s a question I get a lot…
“I workout 3-5 times per week and I’m no longer seeing any progress. What am I doing wrong?”
The problem is, it could be a combination of a few different things.
- Your diet! You’re not taking in enough protein or you’re simply eating like sh*t! Sometimes even when you think you’re eating well, you’re not. Try using an app like MyFitnessPal to track your macros and see what you’re actually consuming every day.
- Inconsistent. You come 2 days one week, 4 days another. You’re all over the place with your workouts. This ain’t gonna cut it! Being consistent and hitting certain muscle groups is important for growth and progress!
- Same Routine Every Day. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You have to switch up what you’re doing for each muscle group and try new/different progressions to trick your muscles. Our body gets comfortable when doing the same things and it will adapt to know what’s coming, so make sure to change it up!
- Not Enough Rest. Yes, this means you should be trying to get 7-8 hours per night. HOWEVER, it also means over training is bad too! Nobody should train 7 days a week because you only actually get stronger when your muscles are at rest. This is when the muscle fibers repair allowing them to grow, not while you’re working out and ripping them.
- Improper form. Form is EVERYTHING. If you’re not activating the correct muscles you’re wasting your time. Make sure you have solid form and if you’re unsure, check out my youtube or subscribe to this website for access to every workout I know and me describing how to perform it in under 1-2 minutes.
- Wrong Progressions/Workouts. If you’re trying to lose weight, you shouldn’t be taking 10 minutes of rest in between workouts. If you’re trying to learn to handstand, you shouldn’t be doing kickup attempts and falling every time. Make sure you’re doing workouts that make sense for your goals and don’t skip any steps. Do workouts at your level and you will actually see results versus trying to be at a level you’re not.
- Unfocused. It’s very easy to get distracted in the gym. Make sure you have a mind to muscle connection with the muscles you’re working on. It goes a long way and you’d be surprised at how much this helps.
These are just a few reasons you may not be progressing as fast as you’d like. There are more, however these are the main ones I see and are the most common. Humble yourself and let’s get these gains!
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