Will you ever truly be satisfied with your body?

Say you set out a goal to lose 25 pounds by the end of the year. Then you achieve that goal. Will you be satisfied?

Or say you have a goal to be able to do 10 pull-ups in a row. Then you achieve that goal. Satisfied?

Maybe for a brief second. But then what happens?

You want more!

You will likely NEVER be satisfied with the way you look or the progress you made. I know this sounds crazy, but it’s in our nature to always desire more. 

Is this bad?

No, it’s just the way we’re wired as humans. It also pushes us to be the best versions of ourselves. The logic here is, if I was able to achieve this goal, what else am I able to achieve? How much further can I take this?

For some of you, you may be thinking this is a lie. You may say, “if I lost 25 lbs I’d definitely be satisfied”. Maybe you are, but it’s just a matter of time before you create a new goal and what something more. 

So here’s my advice.

When you start seeing progress and start truly hitting your goals, celebrate! Enjoy that moment and soak it all in because unfortunately, that feeling will only last so long. 

Appreciate how far you’ve come, but stay hungry for more! That’s the beauty of working out. There’s always a next level that can be achieved. 

It wouldn’t be fun if you hit your goals then stopped. You’d also lose that progress pretty fast. 

Working out and seeing progress is addicting! Therefore, it’s likely that once you start seeing progress, you’ll be hooked and want more.

Enjoy the wins in the moment, but know you’re in this for life and you can ALWAYS get better!


You Got This!


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