Your mind gives up before your body!

Here’s something I see far too often when working out.
Stopping too early!
Now what do I mean by this?
People will be doing a set and as soon as it gets hard, they stop. The second they start to feel that burn, they put the weight down. If I was writing about ways to remain the same and not see progress, this would probably be exactly what I’d tell you to do.
The reps that are hard and you feel like you’re fighting for your life are the ones that are making you stronger. Anybody can workout when it’s easy, but when it gets difficult… That’s where the gains are!
Mahammad Ali used to start counting his reps once he started to feel the burn. So this man could have done 20 reps already but it didn’t matter! The ones that burn are the ones that actually make you stronger. This is when you’re breaking down the most muscle fibers and hitting hypertrophy.
Your mind is going to give up first. You’re going to want to stop because of that pain, HOWEVER there’s a good chance your body has more in it. A lot of the time, your mind will give up far before your body. You may think you have none left in you but when a trainer or your friend yells “ONE MORE!” you magically get one more. That’s why it’s hard to go to complete failure for most people. Complete failure means if I pointed a gun to your head and said “get one more rep or you’re dead”, you’d be dead. THAT’s complete failure. You should be shaking and making funny faces towards the end of each set otherwise you’re probably not pushing yourself enough. It’s SUPPOSED to hurt.
I’m not saying to train like this every day BUT it’s necessary for you to work through reps that are difficult and burn. Don’t let your mind block you from what you’re really capable of!!
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