Core vs Abs

One of the biggest misconceptions there is when it comes to working out is the distinction between core and abs.
Same thing right??
Abs is only PART of your core. Your core consists of not only your abs, but your obliques, serratus, and lower back. That is the entirety of your core.
Therefore if you’re doing a workout like crunches, you’re really only working out your abs. Meanwhile, if you’re doing leg lifts with a reverse crunch at the top, you’re working out your entire core.
It’s extremely important to know the difference and to know which workouts hit which part of your core, if not multiple.
Why do you think gymnasts are so insanely strong??
It’s not because they have strong abs, but because they have a crazy strong core allowing them to comfortably put their bodies in different positions for extended periods of time.
Only having strong abs isn’t enough. Strengthening your core in its entirety will inevitably make you stronger everywhere else. They’re the most important muscles in our entire body and will have an effect in almost anything we do on a day to day basis.
So know the difference and start strengthening your CORE and not just your ABS!!!
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