What to do when you feel stuck…

If you workout long enough, this will happen to you. It’s inevitable.
What do I mean by “stuck”?
It can mean a few different things, but the solutions are the same for all. It can mean your plateauing, you’re sick of the same routine, you’re unmotivated, your body is fatigued every week, or you just don’t know what to do anymore.
Here are a few things I like to do anytime I feel any of the above ways.
- Completely rearrange your routine. Change it up so you’re excited for the following workout. Get ideas from pears, youtube, etc.
- Watch a motivational speech! Sometimes I just scroll through youtube or instagram and listen to people who are already successful. This helps me get out of the funk and rewires my brain.
- Change gyms or your workout location. A change of scenery goes a LONG way. Believe me.
- Take an off week all together or do a deload week. Sometimes our body just needs some time to heal. Recoup and get back to it the following week.
- Change your diet. Diet plays a huge role and can drastically affect your energy levels and mood.
- Get a trainer! One way to stay motivated and learn more is through other people. If someone can help you get where you want to be faster, wouldn’t it make sense to seek out help from a professional?
- Get a workout friend/buddy. If you’re not the type to get a trainer, try working out with a friend. You’ll be surprised how accountable you’ll hold each other.
These are just a few ideas that may help you when you’re “stuck”. It happens to the best of us so don’t worry! Working out is a lifestyle and is ideally done for the rest of your life. So prepare for the long haul and try different things to keep you motivated and healthy!
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