Do you Incorporate Isometric Holds into your workouts?

First things first, what is an isometric hold?
An isometric hold is an exercise that involves the contraction of muscles without any movement in the surrounding joints. This can be done in MANY different ways. Most examples refer to gymnasts. They are constantly holding 1 position for an extended period of time with one of the most popular examples being the human flag or the iron cross. Most of these professionals make it look easy as they remain completely still as if they are sitting comfortably in a chair.
So what’s the benefit of incorporating isometric holds into your workouts?
You ever wonder how gymnasts are so strong? Or why they’re able to perform well weightlifting while bodybuilders can’t do anything gymnasts do? Why does it go one way and not the other?
It’s because of ISOMETRIC HOLDS!!!
Bodybuilders RARELY perform a workout where they just hold a position for an extended period of time. They are always doing reps with external weight opposed to their bodyweight.
Okay so because gymnasts do isometric holds, they are super strong. But what’s the scientific reasoning behind that?
When holding 1 position for an extended period of time, not only are your muscles under tension the entire time you’re holding, but your ligaments and tendons are too!! This is what makes the difference!
Ligaments and tendons take a LONG time to strengthen. They aren’t like muscles in this aspect. It takes years and that’s why gymnasts start at such a young age. By starting young, they are able to condition their tendons to certain positions allowing them to get stronger as they get older and their body develops.
So by doing isometric holds, you will strengthen your ligaments and tendons. Weightlifters may do holds for a short period of time and usually use external weight while gymnasts do extended holds with their own bodyweight. That makes ALL the difference.
So if you want to get super strong you NEED to incorporate isometric holds whether it’s at the top of your pullups, learning to handstand, or even with external weights if you insist. This will make you much more well rounded allowing you to keep up with bodybuilders even if you mainly train with only your bodyweight!
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