Work Life Balance

If I had to give a piece of advice to a younger version of me, It would be “balance and mindset”. Although I’m still super young, I’ve learned over the past few years that balance and mindset is the key to living a fulfilled and happy lifestyle. Here’s why..
Time moves very fast. We all have heard the saying ‘the older you get, the faster it goes” and unfortunately it’s true. I believe the reason this happens is because as we get older we slowly have more and more responsibilities that take a toll on us. You go from being a kid worrying about homework or the next big baseball game you have to play to getting a job, getting married, having kids, buying a house etc. In the process we start to lose sight of the day to day and are constantly focused on “what’s next”. It’s easy to say “live in the present” but with all this responsibility and stress we put on ourselves it’s a lot easier said than done. This is where a balanced lifestyle comes into play.
Wherever you are in life, you’re going to have to juggle a few things at once. Whether you’re just graduating high school or you’re running your own business, you’re going to have multiple responsibilities on your plate, some more than others of course. No matter where you are in life it is critical to pick the few things you care about most and prioritize them. We all have to work in some capacity to make money and live our preferred lifestyle and we all have some sort of relationships whether it’s with family, significant others, friends or even colleagues. This being said, work and relationships are usually the top two things people prioritize. The last thing and arguably the most important.. Self care.
It’s so easy to get caught up in our work life and maintaining relationships that we forget to check in on ourselves! This is so important as our mental health and wellness affects both our relationships and our productivity. If you are absolutely drained every day from working 80+ hours a week it’s going to be very hard to maintain relationships and live a healthy lifestyle. If you get in a fight with your significant other, a family member or friend, it’s going to affect your productivity at work and your overall morale. If you don’t get enough sleep and are always tired, that will also affect your work and relationships.
This brings me back to balance. You have to find time to work on all three of these things as they affect each other. Even if you’re someone who is a workaholic and loves the grind you still have to set a part time to have fun and work on yourself! Self care looks different for everyone but you need to get in tune with your own body and mind and it will propel the other aspects of your life in a crazy way. It may be meditating, reading, or going to the gym. Whatever the activity is, make sure you set apart time for YOU.
This really comes in handy when you’re having those high stressed and overwhelming days where everything seems like it’s falling apart. I tell my clients and even myself when I feel this
way that everything up to this point in your life has worked itself out. Think about how many times you probably freaked out for no reason or had a big issue you didn’t know how to solve. It somehow worked out right? So anything you’re going through right now will work out too and make you stronger in the long run. Put yourself in the moment and remember this. Go to the gym, meditate, start listing all the little things you’re appreciative of or even just take a long cold shower and focus on breathing. You’d be surprised at how much better you feel after.
We are our worst enemies. It’s not easy in this world but It’s you vs you. If you can control your mind you will make more clear decisions in any situation that crosses you. So remember to be balanced and your mind is more powerful than you think.
If you took something away from this or helped you in any way I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to directly message me on facebook or instagram @core_calisthenics or shoot me an email at
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