Can I do Core every day?

Here’s a super popular question I get. Should I be doing a little bit of core every day or only a few times a week?

Here’s my answer.

You can do a little every day, BUT this is only slightly effective. Even if you do different things every day you’re never truly getting a mass amount of lactic acid rushing to the muscle or tearing down nearly as many muscle fibers as you would if you were to dedicate 30-45 minutes to strictly core movements. If you always stop after 10-15 minutes you never really get to that hypertrophy level where your muscles will actually get stronger. 

Now why would a full core workout be better?

Well ask yourself this. Why do we treat our core muscles any differently than any other muscle group in our body?

You wouldn’t train a little of legs every day or a little of chest or triceps everyday right? You dedicate one day to isolate those muscles and break down those muscle fibers. Then the following days you give those muscles rest to heal and grow right?

So why are your ab muscles any different? They’re just muscles in your body just like every other muscle, so you might as well treat them the same!

Break them down with an intense workout then let them recover over the course of a few days just like every other muscle!

This is just a suggestion, but definitely consider this point!


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