Do you need the gym to get stronger?

Short answer… Hell No!!
After all, you all know I’m a “calisthenics guy”.
Now this doesn’t mean I don’t lift weights either. I absolutely do, but only to help my calisthenics.
Point is, if you have absolutely no access to weights at all, you can still get super strong. But how?
You ever wonder how guys come out of jail super jacked and ripped? You don’t need an external source of weights when you can use your own bodyweight. You most likely have 100lbs + with you at all times! It’s just a matter of knowing how to position yourself to leverage your own bodyweight to do workouts that will get you stronger.
Funny thing is, there’s 100’s of bodyweight only exercises you can do and majority of people never even realize that. Can’t think of any? Good thing is I have every single bodyweight only workout I know on my website with me explaining the correct way to perform them in under 1 to 2 minutes (link below).
You probably already perform some bodyweight only exercises without knowing it. In all honesty, if you just did pull-ups, push-ups, dips and squats you would be pretty jacked! It doesn’t take much with bodyweight because you utilize multiple muscles at one time opposed to isolating just 1 or 2 muscle groups.
If you want to know the difference between weights and bodyweight workouts, check out the blog link below.
Moral of the story, you DO NOT need weights to get strong. In fact, I went a full year without using weights and got super strong so you can do it too!
You Got This!
Bodyweight only workouts
Blog- Bodyweight vs Weightlifting
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