Can I work out 7 days/ week?

Short answer… Yes
Although I highly recommend having at LEAST 1 full day of rest, you technically can workout 7 days a week.
HOWEVER, this does not mean you can go 100% every day for 7 days straight. If you are crazy enough to workout every day, you have to be smart about your approach.
You can not go 100% every day and you should have what I call “active rest days”. These are basically rest days with a light cardio of some sort. It can be a light jog, bike, rower etc.
This will help you recover and get rid of some of the lactic acid buildup from the previous muscle strength training workouts.
The problem with working out 7 days a week even when done properly (going 50-75% most days and having active rest days mixed in 1-2x/week) is you tend to burn out. Your body doesn’t get enough rest time to fully recover. You won’t get enough sleep, nutrition and it will only lead to muscle fatigue and injury.
It’s HEALTHY to take rest days. A lot of the time, you NEED them.
Rest days are the only actual days you get stronger. You allow your muscle fibers to heal and grow.
Don’t be afraid to take rest days and listen to your body! 7 days a week is extremely gard to maintain both physically and mentally. I can tell you from first hand experience. It’s EXHAUSTING.
So can you workout 7 days a week? If you’re really smart about it, yes. However, I don’t recommend it.
Train smarter not harder.
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