Bodyweight NEVER Goes Away..

One thing I am constantly stressing to all my clients… You’re bodyweight never goes away! What do I mean by this? Let me explain..
We go through our entire lives moving our bodies weight around on a day to day basis. Unfortunately we can’t float through the air although that would be awesome. What I’m saying is, no matter how old you get, you’re still going to have to/want to get up and move around every day. We take this ability for granted, and it only gets harder as we get older. So you better get real comfortable with your body weight. You can’t just magically take off 10 lbs as much as a lot of us wish this was possible.
This brings me to my main point. Yes, lifting weights will make you stronger and allow you to more easily hold up your weight and be physically active. HOWEVER, incorporating bodyweight only movements like push-ups, pull-ups, and especially core work will benefit you in the long run more than you know.
By doing these bodyweight only movements you are activating multiple muscles at one time which will allow you to become way more in tune with your body as a whole. Doing machines in the gym is great, but you have to remember, they generally isolate one muscle group. This is good sometimes, but doing bodyweight workouts is a necessity. Learning to keep multiple muscles tight simultaneously is a huge advantage as you get older. You’ll understand how the body works and how to maneuver effectively as time goes on and it becomes more difficult.
You don’t want to be immobile later in age so take the necessary steps now to avoid this. I train some very healthy older people, and some who struggle. I see the drastic difference within the same age group. You can either be the grandpa/ma who’s still traveling and enjoying time with their grandkids, OR you can be prone to aches and pains and have your joints stiffen up on you making it hard to even move. It’s your choice. You decide..
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