The Importance of Consistency

Other than form, consistency may be the most important thing when it comes to fitness.
I’ll be brutally honest…
If you’re not consistently working out in some way, shape, or form, there’s a very good chance you will not see results.
If you do something over and over and over again despite what it is, you will get better at it. This applies to anything in life.
So if you’re going to the gym 5 times a week for 1 month and then fall off… Say goodbye to that progress. Even if you go 4 times one week, then 1 another week, then back to 4, there’s a good chance you won’t see progress.
Here’s an analogy I like to use.
Have you ever come back from vacation and just feel all out of sorts? You don’t really know what day it is, what you have to do for work or your sleeping schedule is all over the place? It takes time once you’re home to get back into a routine right?
Now every time you’re inconsistent in the gym, it’s like coming back from a vacation. Your body doesn’t know what to expect and isn’t given a real chance to react. You’ll get crazy sore because your muscles aren’t accustomed to the movements and it will take days to recover.
You need to get into that routine so your body is given a chance to change. If done correctly, the opposite will happen. Instead of feeling “out of sorts” going to the gym, you’ll feel “out of it” when you miss a workout. It may take time to get to this point, but our bodies are creatures of habit and have expectations based on our actions.
If you can just create a routine and build a habit of going to the gym 3-4 times per week consistently, over time you will see MASSIVE results.
Consistency over a long period of time is the KEY to success for not only the gym, but for life in general.
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