Why Patience is important while working out…

Patience when working out is important, but only if you’re actually putting in the work. Let me explain…
For most people being patient to see gains is difficult. This is why most people give up after the first month! Seeing results takes time. You won’t wake up and magically have a six pack after 1 workout. It’s a slowww grind.
Every time you look in the mirror after a workout you will see absolutely no change (unless you have a pump of course). You probably won’t notice a change over the course of months. However, this is why I encourage progress pictures. You may not realize it, but by improving in the gym just .05% every day it will add up over time to make for one amazing transformation.
Be patient when you’re consistent.
This doesn’t mean you can workout twice a week and “be patient” to see the gains. I wish it worked that way. Put in the effort and work and believe me, you’ll have to force yourself to be patient. You’ll be so eager to see results if you work hard, but it always pays off in the end.
Don’t do it just for the result, but do it as a lifestyle. If you think about working out as part of your lifestyle, you’ll never quit and you’ll see gains over time.
Work hard day in and day out first, then be patient.
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