Benefits of changing up your Variations

First off, what are variations?
Variations are simply different ways to do the same workout.
Let’s take push-ups for an example. A diamond push-up is a variation of a regular push-up.
Another example in the gym would be anytime you use a different grip for the same workout.
A rope tricep extension is just a variation of a tricep extension.
A close grip lat pull down is simply a variation of a regular lat pull down.
Starting to understand? Great.
Now why are switching up your variations so important?
Although the “regular” movements are super effective, incorporating different variations to your workouts will just make it that much better.
Your muscles are creatures of habit. If they do the same thing over and over again, they start to expect/know what’s coming and you won’t get the same effect as the first time you did them. Makes sense right?
So you have to “trick” your muscles. Just by changing the workout ever so slightly will allow you to hit a different part of whatever muscle you’re working on.
Let’s continue with the push-up example. A regular push-up gives you a great chest and tricep workout right? However, when I do a diamond push-up it will allow me to hit more of my triceps opposed to my chest since my elbows are closer to my body. Why is this so great? Your body may not be used to it and you may tear more muscle fibers in your triceps than you would have performing a normal push-up. This will allow your triceps to grow more!
Another example is with lat pull downs. Most people just grab a bar shoulder width apart and perform the movement.
Now what if you gripped the bar wider? It would be more Lat/back focused.
What if you grabbed the bar with your hands super close together? It would be more forearm and bicep focused.
What if you grabbed the bar with your palms facing you (chin-up grip)? Then your biceps would take over and be the primary muscle focused.
So you can see the variation makes a big difference and you should do AS MANY VARIATIONS AS POSSIBLE! Trick your body to get the most gains!
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