How Should I Be Structuring My Workouts?

This is a super popular question I get, yet there’s such a simple answer…
There are 100’s of ways to split up your workouts, however to keep it as straightforward as possible, I’m going to tell you the most popular way.
It’s a Pull/Push/Legs/Shoulders/ Abs & Cardio Split.
Now all a “split” means is what muscle groups you’re doing on each day. I know what you’re saying “but Nick, pull and push isn’t a muscle group”.
The reason I dedicate one day to “pulling” workouts is because anytime we pull a weight of any kind TOWARDS our body we use our back and biceps. So for example any type of rows, curls, lat pulldown, deadlifts, pull ups etc. They all go towards our body.
The other day dedicated to “pushing” is the opposite. Anytime we push weight AWAY from our body we use our chest and triceps. So some examples are bench press, tricep extensions, flys, push ups, dips etc.
If you follow this “split”, there’s four days right there where you hit different muscle groups each day. It’s very simple and easy to follow.
Can you do upper body and lower body days? yes
Can you do a chest & back/arms/legs/ abs & cardio split?
Sure, yet a little tougher because remember when you use your chest, you naturally use your triceps due to it being all pushing motions. Same applies with back & biceps.
Point is there’s almost too many theories on the best way to split up your workouts. If you’re a beginner, Start with a Pull/Push/Legs/Shoulders/ Abs & Cardio Split. It’s simple and easy to follow.
What about how many sets and reps?
This will be different depending on your goals. If you’re someone trying to gain mass and build muscle your workouts will look different then someone looking to lose weight. If you’re looking to gain size then you may do more sets but with less reps and higher weight (example 5 x 6-8 reps). If you’re looking to shed weight you may be doing more cardio, HIIT/circuit training and supersets to speed up your workouts and increase the intensity. Therefore your sets may look more like 3 x 12-15 with lighter weight.
This will be different for everyone and will heavily depend on your goals! (Don’t know how to set goals, check out my other blogs at the bottom of this page)
Go into the gym with a plan. When you don’t, your workouts are much more likely to be all over the place and you’ll be wasting your time. Build a structure and Stick To It!!
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