Is playing sports considered a workout?

One of the most popular questions I get as a trainer.
If I go play a sport for 2 hours, is that considered a workout?
The short answer, yes and no. Let me explain.
Yes because when you play a sport you use your muscles in different ways than regular strength training. For example, when I played college baseball we’d start winter training around January/February. I’ll never forget getting what I call “the baseball sores”. I’d get sore in spots I didn’t even know I could get sore in. Places in my hips, shins, shoulders and arms from swinging a bat and throwing. It wasn’t fun to say the least however it was just very different from any type of lifting weights or bodyweight workouts that would make me sore. The same applies for almost every sport.
You also are naturally doing cardio. Whether it’s a sport like tennis when you’re running all over the place or hockey where you’re skating, you’re getting some type of cardio in. Your heart rate is constantly changing with highs and lows which is very important for cardiovascular endurance.
Now playing sports isn’t REALLY working out. It is in it’s own way as I just explained, however it’s NOT strength training. Why do you think athletes workout on top of practicing their sport? Strength training allows us to directly isolate certain muscles which makes us stronger. You can’t directly hit your bicep while catching a football.
Now why is this important? Strength training does more for us than you know. It increases our bone density, strengthens our ligaments and tendons (which will leave you less prone to injury while playing a sport) and increases muscle endurance.
So yes, sports is a great way to incorporate cardio and move your body in ways you’re not used to. However, you can’t just play sports and call it a workout. You have to strength train as well. If you do both, you’ll see crazy results!
So have fun and go play your sports, but make sure you’re in the gym getting stronger as well!
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