Do you have a “Plan” when you go to the gym?

Being a full time personal trainer at a gym, whenever I see someone I know I always ask what muscle group they are hitting that day. Sometimes I get an exact, detailed response. Other times, I get the “I’m not really sure”.
This usually separates those who have great gym sessions and see results from those who show up and do random things depending on what’s available and don’t see as many results.
So what does a “plan” really entail?
Most of you probably think a plan is just simply what muscle group you’re working out that day (example: chest & triceps, back & biceps, legs, shoulders etc.). You’d be right, this is a plan. HOWEVER, why not dig a little deeper. The more specific you are, the more precise your workouts will be and the more results you will see.
Let’s say I want to train my chest and triceps that day. If I know I want to do a barbell bench press, a cable machine fly, a few different cable tricep extension variations and end with push-ups, then I can easily go into the gym and execute that.
Now let’s take it another step further!
What if you knew how many sets and reps you wanted to do for each workout? Wouldn’t that make the workout really easy to execute?
Now if let’s get really crazy!
What if you knew how much weight you were going to do on each thing? Wouldn’t it be really easy to track your progress each time you went to do chest and triceps? Knowing what you did the previous time will take away the guessing game allowing you to progress each session..
This is all programming is. It’s an in depth PLAN. This is why you see people writing down all their reps & weights after each set. It makes life EASY!
Sure there will be times where a packed gym won’t allow you to do your exact plan so you’ll have to pivot and change it up. But isn’t that a lot easier than having no plan at all?
THIS is how you see results. NOT by picking muscle groups at random when getting to the gym.
And honestly at the end of the day, having a plan will save you a LOT of time. Nothing is worse than walking into a busy gym and trying to figure it out on the go. It’s time consuming and frustrating.
If you’re having trouble creating a plan, use my website! I make it super easy based on what muscle groups you want to work on and what equipment you have access to. If you don’t think that’s enough, shoot me a message or get another trainer to help guide you! I’m always happy to help.
Either way. HAVE A PLAN!!!
You Got This!
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